Monday, September 29, 2008

Renesh Turns 15 Months Old !!

My handsome boy Renesh turned 15 months 5 days ago...and he is learning to talk!

He called me "Mamma" rather Amma but on continuous repetition it sounds Mamma so yeahhhhhh.... this very word brings both smile and tears at the same time... It always takes me back to the day when he was born and detected with PRS, his entire struggle for survival and the ofcourse his surgery....its been a long wait but it seems worth every second when he calls me Mamma

He can also say: -

1. Akka
2. kakakaka

I'm still waiting for him to call 'Papa'...:P

Everyday Learning .........

He is more interest in our food than his own, and he loves french fries, Omelet and yes of course Chocolates!!
He is very active, doesn't walk just likes to run the entire day, he climbs sofas, beds, chairs, tables and latest addition to the list is dressing table!
He is climbing up stairs but climbing down is still on his To-Do list :)
He is a born dancer and dances to every tune that's being played whether its on TV, on Computer, on Cell phone or land line... Just play the music and see him dance.
He is one Bundle of energy and Looking after him you have to be one too !

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

He is still exploring his world and we hope to see something new everyday :)