Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Resolution on Work Front

It s been a long time since I posted something...past few days have been very hectic at work and home.
I will rather say that past few days have a been the learning days at work. There were some thoughts running on my mind today...
I have been working for 6 yrs now and ya have met a lot of different people and came across lot of situations , however everytime I learn something new, something new about people and their thinking process and it leaves me amazed at how some people can be outright mean, while some will be superbly selfish and there are also a bunch who are really genuine and nice...Just as i was thinking all this I read this article which exactly describes what I need to do...

This article is from Dr.Zoltan's site where he talks about "81 ideas to keep in mind as you pursue your career"

Do not place yourself below anyone.

No matter how much fame, money, freedom, and material resources someone else may have, accept that you deserve to have the same, and take your own path as seriously as they do. What you do is just as valid and real. Which means that what everyone else does is also valid and real. Calm down.

Learn to say no.

People who respect and care about you will not want you to do things that make you unhealthy and unhappy.

Do not seek approval or encouragement from others.

Approve and encourage yourself. Give yourself permission to achieve your goals, simply because you want to.

Be able to make sacrifices.

Sometimes it is possible to have two things at once, and sometimes it is not. You must develop the wisdom to choose between conflicting options. There is only so much time in the day, and you have a finite amount of energy. Maybe it is necessary to give up some “normal life” things that other people enjoy. Family, relationships, entertainment, possessions, nice car, etc. See if there is anything you can put aside and enjoy later.

Do not draw a hard line in your mind

between “you” and “people who are successful.” VERY IMPORTANT: Do not let a small-town mentality infect your mind.

Money is not what the universe is made of.

Recognize its use as one tool for exchanging energy in a society, but realize that there are other ways of exchanging creative energy. Don’t get locked into only one economic system. Not everything can be measured in dollars, euros, pesos, or whatever type of colorful paper or metal you and billions of your friends are hypnotized by.

Learn to sit and do nothing.

Find a comfortable chair and do not watch television, do not listen to music, do not read a magazine. Turn off your cellphone, get away from Myspace / Flickr / Facebook and your friends or pets. Do not keep bombarding your mind with external stimulation and cramming things in from all directions. Just enjoy your own mind and realize that nothing bad is going to happen to you if you sit by yourself and shut off to the world. Look inward and see what you can find.

Make mistakes and then learn from them.

Lose money. Lose friends. Get fired from your job. Go broke. Once you hit bottom a few times, you will not make such scared decisions. You will find out that you can start over again and again, with more knowledge and less fear. Many great people throughout history have done this repeatedly. You will also find out who your real friends are.

Not everyone in the world is going to like you.

So what? It is not your job to manage or control anyone else’s likes and dislikes. Let them make their own decisions and dislike you if they want to.

Be self-sufficient and be your own best friend.

And lastly remember

Life is often asymmetrical. It can’t always be measured in nice, round numbers that are catchy and memorable.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Lately I have been hearing to so many negative thoughts from my colleagues about Life & Work ...that I think frustration has got on to me too...

Well from all the negativity around me...I still manage to dream of a life where every morning I wake up not thinking about my Target for the day or my quality graphs...but just how beautiful all the small moments are which make these 24 hrs....But everyday we fail to realize the gift of life...
We input rather sacrifice ---Time we could have spend with our family or loved ones --->>to work that extra hour and gain that extra Rupees/ promotion and the output no matter, what you do and how hard you try in the end Death is the reward..

There is an interesting transcript on reverse Living in one of the books:

"Life is tough. It takes up all your time, all your weekends, and what do you get at the end of it? Death, a great reward. The life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, and get it out of the way. Then you live for twenty years in an old age home, and then get kicked out when you’re too young. You get a gold watch and then you go to work. You work forty years until you’re young enough to enjoy your retirement.

You go to college and party until you’re ready for high school. Then you go to grade school, you become a little kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little baby, you go back into the womb, you spend your last nine months floating, and you finish off as a gleam in somebody’s eye."